I had coverage problem after shifting to my new house. Opted for MNP ( Mobile Number Portability) but no use. Was googling for few options to increase the signal strength and came to know about GSM signal boosters.
Checked in flipkart , ebay etc. They have few sellers with GSM boosters , but the price is too much :-(
Finally landed in Aliexpress.com , they have plenty of GSM boosters with somewhat nominal price range. After doing lot of analysis and research , ordered for one GSM booster on April 23 , 2014 paying $36.50
At last wait is over and postman delivered item on May 12th with a customs duty of Rs.260/-.
The parcel consists of :
1) Repeater device
2) 5V 1 A , AC to DC Power adapter
3) Internal rubber ducky antenna
4) External stock antenna
5) 10 meter high quality co-axial cable to connect external antenna to the repeater unit
External antenna should be placed outside where we have good coverage , and the co-axial cable should be connected to the repeater. This repeater should be placed in a good location inside the house so as all the mobile phones can catch signal from the internal rubber ducky antenna.
Figure : Showing Indoor antenna and power supply point
Figure : Showing outdoor antenna point
Figure : The complete setup
Figure : External antenna and power supply
Did one round of testing with this temporary setup and the result was amazing. Before switching on the repeater , mobile was showing only 2 signal bars and after the device switched on , mobile started showing full signal bars.
I will keep on testing this and update in this blog.
I am pretty much happy to run into your site on the web and from now on I promise to visit your site every day and enjoy reading it. Seems like a faith.